Sandra Lewis is an entertaining and deliciously inspiring chef and speaker, classically-trained in French cuisine with a background in Human Resources Development. She combines her 20+ years of corporate experience with her culinary expertise to educate, inspire, and motivate people to live healthy, happy, and productive lives by answering the most important question they ask every day - “What’s for dinner?”
Chef Sandra works with organizations to build thriving cultures that begin around the home table with a meal and a conversation; the kitchen is simply the gateway for the end-game, life at the table. When culture is built in the home, workers bring their best, healthy selves to work the next day and organizations beneļ¬t from cultures of productivity, collaboration, and creativity, simply life at the corporate table.
Sandra shares her thought-provoking content with an upbeat vibe. Audiences love her quick-witted style and are forever changed by her timely and relevant message. It’s double the fun when Chef Sandra includes a cooking demo to illustrate her message, or immerses your group in a culinary experience.
Chef Sandra earned her BS in Mass Communications, Magna Cum Laude, from the University of Utah, and earned an AAS with Honors in Culinary Arts from Le Cordon Bleu Dallas. She is host of a twice-weekly Life At The Table radio show and podcast, “A Savory Moment”.