DiSC Training
You can do-it-your-self with our DiSC products and kits. Or you can hire us to do the training! Our DiSC workshops can be found under most of the training categories. However tp make finding a workshop you want us to facilitate easier, we have compileld the training under this option as well. This training can help professionals connect better with the people they must work with. DiSC helps people develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationships.
Based on extensive research, these time-tested resources create the opportunity for transformational experiences.
DiSC profiles are taken on-line and results explained during workshops. They are specialized, in-depth and customizable. Additonal reports such as compiled results for a team or comparison reports between two individuals may be available with on-line reporting.
Click here to check out our success stories with clients who used our Everything DiSC programs. See Flyers to view,download, or print a flyer related to Everything DiSC products. To view or print 5-page version of our DiSC training programs plus DiSC assessments and language options, please click here. Contact us if you wish to schedule a workshop. Select any of the courses below to see what Peak Performance Solutions can do for you. To view or print our full Training Catalog in PDF, please click here.
We offer many training options with English and/or Spanish facilitation. Please let us know your preference.
If you merely want a short introduction to DiSC products rather than a workshop, contact us.